52. flatter & colder / edge of the world [/ kiss you / the end always]
By hhuwoa on December 28, 2024 9:58 am
52. flatter & colder / edge of the world [/ kiss you / the end always]
final upload of the year is another medley/megamix thing. intended as a 2 parter plus 2 bonus tracks, like the secret tracks you would find at the end of the cd,
› back when that was a thing
thanks if you have been listening to my stuff. please check out my other work and follow/subscribe! i didn't originally want to connect this project to my main body of work, so i would have the freedom to make "bad" tracks, do stuff that was a bit more personal, or get "experimental" beyond what might make it through the quality control filter for jvz stuff. but i think this mostly turned out pretty decent, or at least not any worse than other "x quota in y time frame" projects i've done. standing back and looking at it as a whole, i'm proud of it.
i released a total of 3 hours of music in this project - just enough to fill a free soundcloud account. i will be compiling the best tracks and releasing them on bandcamp in the new year, maybe with some edits, or just as they are, i haven't decided yet 🤔
this project helped me grow, pushed me to try new things and functioned as a kind of anchor as life went on.
thanks again for listening, i hope i was able to make you feel something with my music. see you in 2026?
hhuwoa on soundcloud - 52. flatter & colder / edge of the world [/kiss you / the end always]
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